
President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year’s message for 2024

President XI jinping

We must unswervingly promote Chinese-style modernisation, implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and coordinate development and security.

■ To adhere to the steady progress, in order to promote stability, first established and then broken, consolidate and enhance the economic upturn to the good trend, to achieve a stable economy to the future.

■ To comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, to further boost confidence in development, enhance economic vitality, with greater efforts to run the education, science and technology, nurturing talent.

■We should continue to support Hong Kong and Macao to give full play to their own advantages, and better integrate into the overall situation of national development to maintain long-term prosperity and stability.

■ The reunification of the motherland is a historical inevitability, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should work together to share the great glory of national rejuvenation.

■Our goal is grand and simple, and it boils down to giving the people a better life.■Children’s upbringing and education, young people’s employment and success, and the elderly’s medical care and old age are all family and national affairs, and we should work together to do a good job in these matters.

BEIJING, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) — On the eve of the New Year, President Xi Jinping delivered a 2004 New Year’s greeting through the China Central Radio and Television (CCTV) and the Internet. The full text is as follows:

Hello everyone! The winter solstice and the sun are born, and the year turns back to the law. At this wonderful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, I extend New Year’s greetings to all of you in Beijing!

In 2023, we continued to struggle and move forward, experienced the baptism of wind and rain, saw the beautiful scenery, and achieved a heavy harvest. We all remember the year’s difficulties and have confidence in the future.

This year’s pace, we walk very solid. Epidemic prevention and control turned smoothly, our economy continued to rebound and improve, and high-quality development was pushed forward solidly. The modern industrial system is more sound, and a number of high-end, intelligent, green new pillar industries are rapidly emerging. Grain production has been abundant for twenty consecutive years, green water and green mountains have become more colourful, and rural revitalisation has shown new signs. A new chapter has been written on the comprehensive revitalisation of Northeast China, the Xiongan New Area is growing, the Yangtze River Economic Belt is pulsating with vitality, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is standing up to the tide. China’s economy has strengthened its physique and sinews amidst the storms.

This year’s pace, we walked with great strength. After a long time to sharpen, China’s innovation power, development vitality, the C919 large aircraft to achieve commercial flight, domestic large cruise ships to complete the test voyage, the Shenzhou family space relay, “Struggle” number of extreme deep diving. National brands are popular, new domestic mobile phones are hard to find, and new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products have added new colours to Made in China. With the spirit of self-improvement, China has been climbing up the ladder, and there are ever-changing creations everywhere.

The pace of this year has been very impressive. The Chengdu Universiade and Hangzhou Asian Games were spectacular, and sportsmen and women achieved great results. Holiday tourists, the film market is red-hot, “village super”, “village evening” dynamic, low-carbon life is becoming a trend, the warmth of life, the revival of busy energy, interpretation of the pursuit of happiness, but also show a full of vitality, The warmth of life and the busyness of recovery explain people’s pursuit of happiness, and also show a vibrant and steaming China.

This year’s pace, we walk very obvious bottom. China is a great country with a great civilisation. In this vast land, the desert and the rain in the south of the Yangtze River always make people think about the thousands of years, the heart of the world; the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, always make people’s hearts pounding, full of pride. Liangzhu, Erlitou the dawn of civilisation, Yinxu oracle bone text heritage, Samsung heap of cultural treasures, the national version of the Museum of the cultural lineage continues …… great China, what a long history, what a great civilisation, which is the basis of our self-confidence, the source of strength.

China not only develops itself, but also actively embraces the world and assumes the responsibility of a great power. We successfully hosted the China-Central Asia Summit, the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, a series of home diplomacy ushered in guests from five continents. I have also visited a number of countries, attended international conferences and met with many old friends and new partners to share China’s ideas and deepen mutual consensus. As the world changes, peaceful development is always the main theme, and win-win cooperation is always the hard truth.

On the road ahead, wind and rain are the norm. I am deeply concerned about the operating pressure faced by some enterprises, the difficulties encountered by some people in employment and life, and the natural disasters such as floods, typhoons and earthquakes that have occurred in some places. I am deeply touched by the fact that we are not afraid of the wind and rain, and we are looking out for each other, facing the challenges and overcoming the difficulties. Hard-working farmers, hard-working workers, entrepreneurs who dare to break through, soldiers defending the country, people from all walks of life are sweating, and every ordinary person has made extraordinary contributions! The people will always be our greatest reliance in overcoming all difficulties and challenges.

Next year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. We must unswervingly promote Chinese-style modernisation, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and coordinate development and security. We must insist on seeking progress amidst stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing before breaking, so as to consolidate and enhance the upward trend of economic recovery and achieve a stable economy. We should deepen reform and opening up, further boost confidence in development, enhance economic vitality, and make greater efforts in education, science and technology, and talent development. We should continue to support Hong Kong and Macao to give full play to their own advantages and maintain long-term prosperity and stability while better integrating into the overall situation of national development. The reunification of the motherland is a historical inevitability. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should join hands and share the great glory of national rejuvenation.

Our goal is both grand and simple, and it boils down to giving the people a better life. The upbringing and education of children, the employment and success of young people, and the medical care and old age of the elderly are family as well as national affairs, and we should work together to make these matters a success. Nowadays, society is fast-paced, everyone is busy, and work and life are under great pressure. We need to create a warm and harmonious social atmosphere, expand an inclusive and active space for innovation, and create convenient and comfortable living conditions, so that we can all have a happy mood, excel in life, and make our dreams come true.

At present, there are still parts of the world in the throes of war. The Chinese people are well aware of the preciousness of peace, and we are ready to work with the international community to promote the building of a community of human destiny and a better world, with the future of humankind and the well-being of the people in mind.

At this moment, the night is colourful and all the houses are lit up. Let us join together and wish our motherland prosperity and the world peace and tranquillity! I wish you all blessings and warmth in all seasons, and smoothness and well-being!

Thank you all!


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